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LOS ANGELES -- The Continuum continues its series of stories from the Superman Returns junket on Friday.

This installment is a roundtable question-and-answer with Kate Bosworth, who plays Lois Lane.

Below is an edited transcription of the interview.

Question: Did you have any fears going in, playing such an iconic character like Lois Lane?

Bosworth: You know what, when I was first offered the part, it was my first fear because really the icon notion of it is nerve wracking, but what was most nerve-wracking for me was the investment and passion the fans have for this film. I just wanted to do my best and honor them and how they view the film.

Question: Did you read anything about what they thought of the casting of a blonde as this character?

Bosworth: I don't ever read that stuff, to be honest, just for the exact reason as I just said that all my nerves were in a crazy way. If I had read all that stuff -- why? Why would you read that?

You go and you do your job. You're cast for a reason. You have to trust the people who cast you and the people around you. With this film we had Bryan Singer, who is such an incredible filmmaker and a very dear friend now of mine. At that point, yyou have to trust that and you have to trust yourself, most importantly.

I think all actors are insecure, I can say I certainly am, but you just have to go in and trust yourself. I think if you read all that noise - you want to honor the fans and do your best - but if you read all that, it probably wouldn not be good for your performance.

Question: You say you're insecure. Why are you insecure?

Bosworth: I think that is a very funny question because, well, it's sort of a presumptuous question, to be honest, because you don't know me. It's a kind of a vague thing to ask considering you don't, but I was insecure because, well, I think almost all artists are insecure. I don't ever watch myself and think, "That was great! I hit it out of the park!" I've just begun my career. I'm 23. I'm just learning. I feel like I've just come out of the gate.

Question: Really? Even now after working on this film?

Bosworth: Absolutely!

Question: What are those insecurities then? What specifically do you fear now?

Bosworth: I just feee like one of the things I love most about this job is I don't feel you can ever master it. I think you're always learning and you're always growing. Even when you think you're at the top of your game, there's always something else you can do and learn. I think that if I wanted to fall into a niche where I knew I was really good at something, I could do that and feel secure there.

But I don't want to do that. I want to do things that will challenge me and I will be scared to do because I'm not the best at it, but I certainly want to do it to have that experience and to challenge myself and to be seen in different ways. I could sit there, be a cookie-cutter in a certain way and probably make money from it and do what people expect me to do, but that's not what I want to do. I think if you don't do what you want to do in life, then what's the point?

Question: Have you seen the final cut of the film and did you feel it's quite different from the shooting script?

Bosworth: No, actualy. I saw the film yesterday for the first time. It's funny because I really hadn't seen anything, and that was by choice. I never watch dailies. Even when I came in to leave, Bryan wanted to show me some scenes and I said, "Nope! Don't show me anything! I want to see it at the end when it's all said and done." So, it's exciting for me to be able to see it because I think I was the only person directly involved with the film who had a fresh pair of eyes.

The main reason why I was most excited about joining this film is because it is Superman and that's so exciting and so great. Another main reason was Bryan Singer. He has been one of my favorite directors of all time.

The third thing that was most exciting to me was, I was nervous to sign on because I hadn't read the script. It was very top secret. When everyone was cast, no one had read the script. They came in with two scenes to read -- may or may not end up in the film but it had to do with Superman -- so it was very vague. Then, when I was offered the role, I had to go in and sit in a room on the Warner Bros. lot and they locked the door -- I'm not kidding you! I'm not exaggerating! -- and I sat there by myself with the script! I had been offered the part and I thought, "Whoa, what if it's really bad? What would I do then?" So, I was very nervous, but then I read it and it was such a tremendous script.

What was most important to me was that it had a story and it wasn't just a whole bunch of things exploding and looking cool and flash. It did have a tremendous heart from the very beginning and I knew that was very important to Bryan to have it come across in the film and I really think it does.

Question: Are you involved in the sequels?

Bosworth: I hope so. (laughs) I'm signed up for it.

Question: Can you tell us a bit about how Brandon Routh struck you when you first met him and how he turned out to be as an actor?

Bosworth: I met Brandon for the first time when he had the role already and I came in to screen test. I was very curious to see how he was as a person, but also to see how he was going to play the role.

As I said, I was given two scenes. One was Lois Lane with Clark Kent and one was Lois Lane with Superman. So, when I was going into the room, I was very curious to see how he was going to play both and excited to see that.

I think, like many people, I was sort of skeptical in a way. I was going in hyper-critical. I mean, "How is anyone really going to be able to pull of Superman today?" So, I went in and started to read with him as Clark Kent first and I thought he was really, really good. He's playing this really well.

And I thought, "OK, that's Clark Kent, but I want to see how he plays Superman." I was impressed with how he played Clark Kent.

We went to the Superman scene, which is the roof top scene where a lot of different emotions were going through my character's head, and his. I remember being in the middle of that scene and realizing in the moment that I had become totally lost in just reading with him, in a white, bare, sparse room with the tripod video camera and a couple of people sitting around and watching and that's when I realized he was going to be tremendous in this film.

Question: Was it tough for you to work so far away from home for such a long period of time?

Bosworth: It was in the way that I missed my family and friends, but it was such a time of real independence for me that I loved being in Australia.

Question: How did you express that independence? What did you do?

Bosworth: Well, I was 22 when I went over there, and I was living on my own with my dog. I had my own apartment. I had never been on location for so long on my own. When I went away on location before, I was younger and I'd usually bring my mom or friends because I was nervous to be on my own. This is the first time where I was really embracing that independence. Obviously I was playing a mom who was getting married and I was ready to embrace feeling like a grown-up, and I had such a good time being there. I had a great time.

Question: Did you grow up knowing Lois Lane and reading Superman comics? What was your first exposure to the character?

Bosworth: I didn't grow up reading comics. My first exposure to Superman was when I was about six or seven. The film had already come out when I was born -- I was born in '83 -- so it was on VHS and I watched it with a friend who lived across the street -- I lived in San Francisco -- my best girlfriend, and we were very into film, even at that age. We loved watching movies. She was sort of my movie buddy.

So, we watched Superman and were really excited. It's one of those films you just want to be in. When you're a young person you just fantasize about being Lois and being carried across the city in the same way you want to be Wendy in Peter Pan, you know what I mean?

Question: Could you talk about changing your whole look for this film, what with your hair and being a brunette.?

Bosworth: Well, I was a brunette in Wonderland. When you change your hair color you can be shocked by how different you look. It certainly helped in creating a character and feeling like a different person, same as when you put on a completely different wardrobe. It was great. I loved it.

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