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SAN DIEGO -- The Continuum continues its series of interview with the voice cast of Kids' WB!'s Legion of Super-Heroes with Shawn Harrison, who plays Timber Wolf.

The Continuum: Describe your take on your character.

Harrison: My character is Timber Wolf. And for those of you who don't know, I have a lot of wolf-like characteristics. My father experimented on me and sort of created this ultimate machine that I ended up being.

The Continuum: You have an episode basically devoted to you?

Harrison: It's all about the discovery of who I am and how I am introduced to the Legionnaires. And then I become part of the Legion.

The Continuum: What's your approach to his voice?

Harrison: Whenever, I do a character, I look at the graphics first and try to visualize what I think that person sounds like. And then I'll start to play with certain timbers and tones in my voice to try to effect the voice. With him, I knew I wanted to go with something very understated and very dark ­ and sort of mysterious.

The Continuum: Are you enjoying the character?

Harrison: It's a lot of fun. This is the first animated show that I've ever done, so this was a whole new world for me. I remember going to auditions and I was really nervous. I don't know if you've ever been in the position where you think you're going to be found to be a fraud, but that's how I felt at auditions. "They're going to find out I really don't know how to do this. Oh God, oh GodŠ"

The Continuum: Those voice recording sessions can be a lot of work.

Harrison: Right. It's hard, but it's also fun because we all record at the same time. We have a lot of banter going on and cracking jokes and stuff like that. So it's fun.

The Continuum: Do you prepare for the sessions?

Harrison: You work on your material before your session. Mentally, you know what place you have to be in.

* Legion of Super Heroes debuts on Kids' WB! on Saturday, Sept. 23. For The Continuum's interview with Kari Wahlgren, the voice of Saturn Girl and Triplicate Girl, CLICK HERE.

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