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Marvel Comics staged a press conference on Tuesday for its Annihilation: Conquest mini-series, with writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning and editor Bill Rosemann.

Below are highlights:

* Marvel released the covers to the first three issues. Click on the thumbnails above for larger images.

* The first issue goes on sale on Nov. 7. Pencils are by Tom Raney and inks by Scott Hanna.

* Rosemann said the covers by Aleksi Briclot look epic yet gritty. "He was a real find for us," he said.

* Marvel will provide retailers with Annihilation: Conquest mini-posters on Oct. 31.

* Abnett said new characters will be weaved into the story as the cast will be expanded.

* Lanning said that incorporating the Phalanx gave the story an added dimenision than the previous Annihilation story. "It's sort of the invasion from within than from out," he said.

* Lanning said Star-Lord, Quasar and Wraith will all have screen time, with Wraith cementing his place among Marvel's cosmic characters.

* Abnett said there will be several major "yanking the carpet" revelations.

* Lanning said Star-Lord feels responsible "for the whole mess" as he was rused by the Phalanx, who used the computer program to shut down the Kree Empire. He said during the mini-series Star-Lord will try to purge that guilt.

* The story could impact Earth, but no definitive word was given.

* Rosemann said that editor Tom Brevoort "looked over his shoulder" to help maintain and clarify the story. "At the end of this day, it has to be about something," Rosemann said, noting the freedom-fighting aspect.

* How will the story fit in six issues? Rosemann noted the experience of Abnett and Lanning helps look at the greater picture of the story and divide it into chapters.

Lanning said he and Abnett write very dense stories.

* Rosemann said Abnett and Lanning bring a modern approach to science fiction. "So much sci-fi is retro," Rosemann said.

* Abnett said the Phalanx are starting to show individuality in the Select. "There is an evolution that has taken place," Abnett said, noting that makes them more dangerous.

Lanning said the caste systems are helping the Phalanx adapt and there "is much more to that that will come out in the mini-series."

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