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SAN FRANCISCO -- Aspen Comics staged its first panel of 2010 in typical style with a slide show, question--and-answer session and usual good-natured ribbing.

Panelists included Peter Steigerwald, Frank Mastromauro, J.T. Krul, Vince Hernandez and Joe Benitez.

Follow are highlights:

For a video clip of Mastromauro talking about Aspen's publishing schedule, CLICK HERE.

* Mindfield #0 will be out on April 14. Aspen debuted Joe Benitez's incentive cover, and there will be a sketch exclusive cover.

Krul explained the series premies as images of the two main members were shown from the #0 issue. Krul said different art styles will be used to visualize the telepathy in the series.

Mastromauro said that he was getting good feedback from the Hollywood community about the project.

* The Scourge, written by Scott Lobdell, will premiere at Comic-Con International. The art will be by Eric Battle. Mastomauro said news on The Scourge film should be coming out soon.

* There will be a pullout poster of The Scourge for Aspen's Free Comic Book Day offering.

Mastromauro said Aspen "is trying to kick it up a notch" in terms of quicker trade paperback releases.

* David Schwartz is turning in the script for Fathom: Blue Descent #4 this week.

* Fathom Vol. 4 will be "more adventuresome and little less warring," Mastromauro said.

Soulfire Vol. 2 #4 will have four interlocking covers.

* Aspen will be doing a foil incentive cover for Soulfire. Steigerwald did a cover for #5.

* Mastromauro said he's gotten good feedback on Executive Assistant: Iris and there will definitely be more Executive Assistant titles.

* A trade paperback for Dellec will come out shortly after #6. Mastromauro said the property has gotten Hollywood attention.

* Mastromauro said he is developing an animated verison of Shrugged and a second comics volume will happen.

* Mastromauro debuted the cover of Worlds of Aspen 2010, the offering for Free Comic Book Day. It will include an 8-page Aspen Universe story by Vince Hernadez and Scott Clark and exceprts from Executive Assistant, Dellec and Soulfire. The back cover will feature the premiere of Aspen's newest statue.

* Mastromauro said he and the Aspen staff has forecasted out the publisher's schedule for well into 2012.

* Mastromauro said Soulfire is moving well as a movie, but it will be a "tough nut to crack" because of how big the story is.

* Hernandez has been working on Aspen Comics' digital plans. He said Aspen won't be exclusive to any digital reader or app. "Anywhere from six to 12 months, you'll see stuff," he said.

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