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TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2010


For covers and five-page previews of IDW Publishing titles arriving in stores on July 21, CLICK HERE.

Titles include Bram Stoker's Death Ship #3, Doctor Who #13, G.I> Joe: Cobra #6, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #156, Killing the Cobra: Chinatown Trollop #3, MGM Drive-In Theater: It, The Terror From Beyond Space #1, Transformers: Nefarious #5 and True Blood #1.


For covers and five-page previews of Image Comics titles arriving in stores on July 21, CLICK HERE.

Titles include Bram Stoker's Death Ship #3, Doctor Who #13, G.I> Joe: Cobra #6, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #156, Killing the Cobra: Chinatown Trollop #3, MGM Drive-In Theater: It, The Terror From Beyond Space #1, Transformers: Nefarious #5 and True Blood #1.


For covers and six-page previews of Invincible Iron Man #29, arriving in stores on August 11, CLICK HERE.

For previews of Marvel Comics titles arriving in stores on July 21, CLICK HERE.


Dynamite Entertainment has announced an October launch for Green Hornet: Blood Ties, a four-issue mini-series by Ande Parks and Johnny Desjardins based upon Kevin Smith's version of the character.

The story is about the last remains of the Italian Crime Family and the Japanese Yakuza and how the two-man team of The Green Hornet and Kato brought about the fall of crime in Century City.

"Green Hornet: Blood Ties gives Johnny and I the chance to tell a really rich mob story," Parks said. "We're telling the story of three families on the wrong side of the law, all trying to work together against the threat Green Hornet and Kato represent to their livelihoods. We get to play with the structure that Kevin created for us, while delving deeper into the criminal underworld of Century City."

"In Green Hornet: Blood Ties, you are going to see a Green Hornet with an attitude, cleaning up the seedy streets of century city," Desjardins said.

Click on the thumbnails for larger versions.

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* DC Comics has unveiled a Brightest Day poster. Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

* According to Variety, Sam Raimi has signed on to direct a feature version of the Radical Publishing graphic novel Earp: Saints for Sinners for DreamWorks, Radical Studios, Mandeville and Raimi's Star Road Entertainment.

* Dynamite Entertainment has announced Warlord of Mars will launch in October with a $1 issue. The series is written by Arvid Nelson, with art by Stephen Sadowski and Lui Antonio and covers by Alex Ross, Joe Jusko, Lucio Parillo and J. Scott Campbell.

* BOOM! Studios has announced that Mark Waid has been promoted to chief creative officer and Matt Gagnon has been promoted to editor-in-chief.

* Following Mass Effect: Redemption, Dark Horse Comics has announced it will again team with BioWare, a studio of Electronic Arts Inc., for a comic book series based on the videogame Mass Effect 2.

Scheduled to launch on January 19, 2011, Mass Effect: Evolution will take readers to a new corner of the Mass Effect universe, shedding light for the first time on the origin of the Illusive Man and the founding of his black-ops outfit, Cerberus.

The series will be written by Marc Walters and John Jackson Miller, with art by Omar Francia and covers by Massimo Carnevale.


For previously posted September solicitations, click on the publishers' names below:

* Archaia Comics.

* Archie Comics.

* Aspen Comics.

* Bluewater Productions.

* Bongo Comics.

* Dark Horse Comics.

* DC Comics.

* IDW Publishing.

* Image Comics.

* Marvel Comics.

* Moonstone Books.

* Oni Press.

* Top Cow Productions.

* Viper Comics.

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