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DC Comics has unveiled Ivan Reis' four interconnecting covers for "Rise of the Third Army," which will be featured in Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern: New Guardians and Red Lanterns in October.

"This was the first time in my career that I've illustrated four interconnecting covers," Reis said. "It's also the second time I've done a 4-page spread. That one had just 12 characters so I loved returning to the Green Lantern universe to work on this image. I had too much fun working on these hundreds of characters."

Below are comments DC released from the writers of the story:

GEOFF JOHNS, Green Lantern:

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely- -- and the Guardians' time is finally here. The Lantern titles spent the first year of DC Comics-The New 52 re-establishing themselves, but it all comes back together with year 2 starting with Green Lantern #0 and leading into October's #13's - which share an amazing cover by Ivan Reis. In October, the Guardians' Third Army rises to replace the Green Lantern Corps - but how is horrifying and why will change the Guardians and their ancient mission forever. As we discover what the Third Army actually means, our strongest Lanterns are targeted for absolute destruction. From Atrocitus to Guy Gardner to our newest Green Lantern from Earth - who may have been wrongly chosen - all their darkest secrets and failures will come to light. What is Sinestro's ultimate fate? Who is this new Green Lantern and why was he chosen? What is the Third Army? What with Atrocitus sacrifice to take on the Guardians? What will Larfleeze give up to find the one thing he wants? What happens to Guy Gardner when he's targeted after Hal Jordan? And, most importantly, who is the First Lantern?"

PETER J. TOMASI, Green Lantern Corps:

"The Guardians and the Third Army want to break the Green Lantern Corps -- and they've now got their sights on Guy Gardner and John Stewart! The question is not if the Guardians can accomplish their mission, but how horribly will they shatter our ringslingers' lives!"

TONY BEDARD, Green Lantern: New Guardians:

"In Green Lantern: New Guardians, Kyle Rayner has gathered a team of Lanterns from all seven colors of the spectrum. As the Third Army strikes, Kyle must combine all seven shades of power within himself. A bigger and badder lineup of New Guardians will push Kyle to become our secret weapon against the onslaught of the Third Army."


"The Red Lanterns are continuing their mission to bring bloody vengeance to an unjust world when they run into (or are run into) a mysterious enemy with no mouth and a curious resistance to death. One Red Lantern succumbs to this new adversary, while Atrocitus finds a way to fight back – which entails returning to a place of great pain and associating with an ancient nemesis."

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